John 17 21 to 22. That they all may be one, as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us, that the world may believe, that thou hast sent me. And the glory, which thou gavest me, I have given them, that they may be one, even as we are one. The world will know, that we are of God, by the oneness we manifest to them. No wonder, we have not made a, bigger impact on the world. This goes far beyond, what many promote, as unity today. This is God’s standard of unity. This oneness among the believers, is what Jesus said, would cause the world to know, that Jesus is the Son of God. This is, the greatest, evangelism tool, that the church has. Yet, we pour millions of dollars, and much effort, into other evangelistic efforts, while being at each other’s throats. When the church is one, the world will be won. The text goes on to say, And the glory which thou gavest me, I have given them, that they may be one, even as we are one. The Greek word, rend-ered “glory” in this verse, is “D O X A”. Glory is used, to express what God essentially is and does, in whatever way he reveals himself”. Therefore, Jesus is giving us, the same glory that his father gave him. This means he has given us, that divine nature, and the power that comes with it. This is, in order to enable us, as His followers, to walk in this unity. There are reasons, but no excuses, for the division in the body of Christ. We often talk about unity, from the perspective of, I pray that they might be one with each other. Now, I would like to take a turn, and talk about as you and I are one. How is Jesus and God one? Jesus and God are one in essence. We are invited into that essence, oneness, or unity relationship, between God and Jesus. This necessitates the need to talk about, the difference between, an essence, a person, and a substance. The essence is, what "makes something, what it is". This implies that the something, is something unique. That is, a particular kind of thing. For example, a dog, a planet, a number, and etc. . Yet, unlike essence, substance is not necessarily about kinds of things. Since what is durable, separable, and identifiable, may be an individual. Where as such, what it is is irrelevant. Thus, Aristotle distinguished, "primary substances," for example individuals, from "secondary substances," for example a kind. A kind of thing, is then to be associated with an essence. An essence can always specify more than one individual. Here we see, that an essence, is a kind of thing, such as a dog, a man, or a god, are kinds of things. On the other hand, a substance is not necessarily about kinds of things. Rather a substance has more to do with an individual, or a subcategory of the kind of thing. Such as a poodle is a subcategory of a dog, or a person is a subcategory of a man. Just as all dogs are of the same essence, all men are of the same essence. All subcategories of poodles are not the same. Some are Standard Poodles, Miniature Poodles, and even Toy Poodles. Likewise, all sub-categories of persons are not the same. Some are refered as individuals. Which happens to be a singular noun of a person. While others are referred to, in law, as the 1st person and the 2nd person. Which happens to be a plural noun of a person. Now, a subcategory of a person, the 1st person, is an individual, or a substance. Now, here is the heart of the issue. One God in three persons. A man is an escence. A man begets a man. A God is an essence. Gods beget Gods. Gods are a kind of a thing. Nature reveals this to us, in Romans 1 20 it says. "For the invisible things of him, from the creation of the world, are clearly seen, being understood by the thinngs that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse”. If Jesus is God's son, and he is. Therefore, nature reveals that the essence of the father is always in the son. Because the essence of God is that he is infinite, then it is unthinkable that God could have a son that has a different essence than his own. It is unthinkable that an infinite God could have a son with a finite essence. That is like saying that a man could have a son who has a litteral essence of a dog. That is the heart of calling Jesus God's son. If a person cannot look at nature and see that this is true, then you are without excuse. If you believe that an infinite God, could have a finite son, then you are without excuse. 1st Timothy, chapter 3, verse 15 says: that the Godhead is a mystery by design. It reads: -Without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness. God was manifested in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, and then received up into glory. Who was? God was! Hear Oh Isreal the Lord our God is one God. There was no God created before him, along side him, nor after him. Yet, we say that there are many gods in heaven and in earth. God said that on the day that you eat you will surely die. Yet, Satan said you will not die. The explicit takes precedence over the implicit. We are invited into that oneness, or unity relationship, between God and Jesus. I pray that they might be one, as we are one. The bible has an abundant number of scriptures that speak of Jehovah or Yarway as God. All others who are not a part of, nor associated with the one true God, are not gods at all. The scripture makes it clear in Isaiah 44 24, that God created the universe by himself, with no help from anyone else. Isaiah 44 24 says, "Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself". The scripture goes on, in Genesis 1 26 to say, let us make man. How can these things be? How can God say that He created the universe, by himself, and then turn around and say, let us, make man? The scripture goes on to explain, that if you are not that true God, or affiliated with him in some way, then you are a false god. Which is by definition not a god at all. On the other hand, righteous men are in association with the one and true God. Thus, making them gods acording to Jesus and God. For Jesus said, in John 10 34, "Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Yee are gods?" Furthermore, God himself declaired, that those who were in association with him, were in fact gods. Psalms 82 6 says, "I have said, Yee are gods; and all of you are children of the most High". But, yee shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes. Question. How do gods die like men? The form of authority that gods have is conditional authority. Angels' authority, is upon condition, that they obey God's will. Satan was an angel. With all the authority, and godliness, of angels. His job was to minister to Adam. While ministering to Adam, Satan realized that Adam had a form of authority, that he himself, as an angel, did not have. That was, unconditional authority. Unconditional authority, was authority, that was not contingent, upon doing God's will. That was the type of authority, that men associated, with the tower of babel had. Men could come against God, and still maintain some symblance of their authority. That is when iniquity was found in Satan. Satan devised a plan, to get Adam, to give him his authority. This was so that he could come against God, and not loose all of his authority. The bible went on to say, in Psalms 8 5, that men were created a little lower then Elohîm, and that men would judge the angels in 1 Corinthians 6 3. We are invited into that oneness or Unity relationship between God and Jesus. For the bible goes on to say in Romans 3 23, that the righteousness of God comes by the faith of Jesus Christ. Not by our faith, but by his faith. For, our faith was as dirty rags. So, Jesus gave, or made available to, every man the measure of his faith. Everything that Jesus did he did using his faith. Therefore, if we have his faith, then surely we can do the things that he did. We had the imputation of sin, we have the imputation of righteousness, and now we have the imputation of faith, his faith. This is the next great awakening. Just as in the last great awakening, we came to the acknowledgement of salvation by grace, instead of by works. The idea was always there in the scripture, but we were not always aware of it. We resisted it. Even now we still resist the fact that we have access to Jesus's faith. When we truly are awakened, by this realization, and stop saying that Jesus had the full anointing of the holy spirit, because Jesus was God. Yet, we are not God. Therefore, we only have a partial access to his faith. We can only do some of the things that Jesus did. No! Jesus had the full anointing of the Holy Spirit, as a man. Jesus was fully God and fully man. As he is so are we in this world. Our understanding, that we have access to, the faith of Jesus Christ, will be the next great awakening. It is our ability to do the things that Jesus did, that makes us gods now. Not necessarily in the world to come, as the Mormon, the new age, and others preach. An awakening, such that men, when speaking of us, would say as they said of Jesus, "what manner of man is this. Even the winds respond to his will, because our will would be aligned with God’s will. An awakening, such that the devil himself will say, Jesus I know, and Paul, I know, and now, each of you he knows. An awakening such that, we can with confidence say, we are gods. For, as he is so are we in this world. Thank you for listening. So let it be.